31 December, 2014

Welcome 2015 !

Anna and I want to wish you a fruitful new year !

The custard apple tree in our garden was damaged in the storm last year. However, it sprang back to life with one branch growing out of the main stem. To our surprise, even that branch bore some fruits during this season. We were able to have them for ourselves and share with those who help us in the farm. The two fruits that are remaining would be hopefully ripen by the time Amy, Arpit and their arrive shortly!  

How refreshing it is to know that life is a gift given to us to bear fruits!

A family who came to visit me for consultation told us as they were leaving, 'we go back touched by the hospitality we received here'. They said this in response to one of my colleagues who went out of her way to befriend them when they had difficulty to find their way through the hospital to go to different counters for registration, payment, investigations, etc. 

We have an occasion to care and share kindness each time we meet with others. We hope all of us can make that as our way of living!

The boy who gave away his five loaves and two pieces of fish cared for those who were hungry and showed kindness when a messenger from Jesus of Nazareth requested for his dinner packet! He did his little and Jesus multiplied it!

Let us make doing little acts of kindness a habit!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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