23 December, 2014

Party games can restore you !

I look forward to  party games when there are social gatherings because, participating in them gives a relaxing experiences that lasts for a while.

It is good to have times set part for party games even in families. Some how we accumulate stress due to demands at work, pressure of assignments, misunderstanding in relationships, disappointments, etc. 

While playing a game, the fun it generates in the group has a social de-stressing  effect.

I remember how at the end of the evening of these fun games, the whole group of twenty five students were full of smiles. They did not get inhibited by an examination that they had to be ready for on the next day!

The social milieu that we live in can be made friendly, relational and reflective though such times. Most of us fold up socially and emotionally when the social environment is demanding, unfriendly or indifferent. 

The educational environment in a college can be such a place where every person is catching up with some assignment or other. Some even would  feel like being on a conveyer belt, unable to find a personal pace for well being.

We need socially refreshing times to feel well and refreshed! Anna and I feel grateful that some students include us in their social gatherings. It makes a world of difference to us in our campus life!

M.C.Mathew( photo by Anna)

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