20 February, 2014

Know no limits

One of the highlights of the activities of the department in 2013 where I work, in connection with its first anniversary was a T-shirt design competition for the students of the medical and nursing colleges. One of the designs which was picked up by the judges was this with the caption, ‘Know no limits’. This was designed by a student who has overcome  some difficulties and and is on a journey to actualise his dream. 

I liked the emphasis on ‘knowing’. The phrase reminds us of an ongoing process which does not stop at any time in our lives. We need to know about ourselves, others, environment, opportunities, challenges, … and the source of our life and being, who is God.

This journey of knowing is fascinating to those who view  knowledge as a mystery. There is much which can be known and there is a lot that would remain unknown to human mind.

This calls us to believe that the journey of knowing involves pushing the boundary of knowledge further and further.

I feel that those who have various types of needs in the intellectual, physical, language or social domains are constantly challenged by the circumstances to overcome the difficulties and hostility in the environment. They thrive on the collective determination to challenge the ‘limits’ others or the environment impose on them.

One child of ten years who visited us last week with limitations in independent walking told me that his desire is to walk freely and play cricket. I thought he had a realistic expectations.

We impose limits on ourselves. This captions suggests that we free ourselves from our self imposed limits.

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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