09 November, 2013

Batch of 2009-CMC Vellore

The medical students of the batch of 2009 conducted their thanksgiving service this morning in the college chapel, to begin the series of events that would take place for the next two days. The sung service was inspiring and refreshing. They even sang a song in Hindi, which was unusual. The music, singing, message and the prayer blended well to give a solemn and worshipful ambience in the chapel.

The day then is packed with several events such as tree planting by the final year batch, when the junior batch would sing for them made up funny songs to recall each person's student life in the college. Later there is a meeting of the student body to say farewell to the final years and the prize giving ceremony when the academic and extracurricular awards are distributed by the Principal’s office. The day would end with a play the students put for the community.

The sunday event is the Baccalaureate service in the college auditorium, when the interns, who would finish their training time in a few months would lead in a solemn sung service. The event on the Monday is the formal graduation function when the final year students would escort the graduating students carrying a jasmine chain on both sides of the procession, to the college auditorium where all the post-gradautes and undergraduates would receive their degree certificates. This is followed by the banquet.

All these are memorable occasions, when teachers, parents and the student community share the joy of community living.

It was after five years, I was attending another such occasion. It brings back memories of Arpit and Anandit going through these stages of their formation at CMC, Vellore.

What inspired me most was, how each generation of students and the faculty are ‘passing on the Torch’, of the mission, ‘not to be ministered unto but to minister’, lit by Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder in 1900!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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