28 February, 2025

A new life in the garden!

A Tit was in the garden yesterday, from where it moved to the courtyard and started gathering strands of hair from different places in the kennel and around ! The large mouthful of hair seemed to be for  making its nest. The way it moved about and strategically gathered the collection before it flew away to a tree close by and disappeared into the foliage gave me a strong indication that it was a pair in courtship. 

It was while looking around to spot the other pair, I noticed it perched in the neem tree, from which it had a good view of its pair gathering the material from the courtyard. 

The Tits are small and often confine themselves to small trees and bushes. It was therefore a special sight to have one of them close in sight, while gathering the materials for the nest. 

How delightful it is to watch the early stages of the family formation of birds ! 

I remember watching Bulbuls and Parakeets preparing their nest in our garden. Whenever I watch birds as a pair, I trace their flight location and movements to look for nesting activity !

I look forward to see more activities of this pair in the garden in the coming few days. I remember a birder mentioning that small birds hide their nest for fear of being attacked by big birds. So the nest might be hidden. 

A new life is about to emerge!

The plants and birds bring new life, which is why a garden is a sign of life and living! 

The flower below was the first one in this season from a rose bush planted a few months ago. 

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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