03 September, 2015

Butterflies have a choice!

Every time I find a new species of butterfly in the garden, I try following its path of flight to get a feel of its natural habitat. I found this butterfly sticking to one variety of flowers all that time for a good one hour. Flowers with a different odour or colour it avoided.

Yesterday while talking to friend who is an ardent student of nature,  mentioned that butterflies have a preference for taste and it would search for that taste in the honey! 

Even a small butterfly has the freedom to make a choice.

One of the challenges I have while meeting with parents is to get their consent to give some allowances for their children. The higher level educational achievements of people of educational level in the state of Kerala has made them achievement oriented in their approach to children. Even co-curricular and extra curricular activities are not considered valuable for students. All achievements must converge towards academic excellence according to many parents!

Let children be children with some choices and decisions left to them! That is how they are created to be. Even the boy who provided five loaves and two fish to Jesus of Nazareth to feed five thousand people had in one sense disappointed his parents by doing something out of his choice!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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