01 August, 2014

A contrast!

Nature is a silent teacher!

While camping in a retreat centre couple of weeks back, I noticed this sight in the morning at a distance. One hill top was covered with clouds and was only partially visible. The other was brightly lit in the morning sunshine and its treasure was laid open for any one to behold!

These two sights came upon me as symbols of human nature. Some people live their lives protected by the insulation they provide for themselves. They would use their  position, acclaim, success, popularity, skills, etc. to insulate themselves from revealing their true self. 

Some others live their lives transparently inviting others to read their lives. They convey an openness even when they make an error of judgement. They live and relate to enhance communication and mutuality!

I wish, we would choose to live our lives publicly and as an open book!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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