23 July, 2014

Humour is therapeutic!

I used some of Dr. Jeyabalan’s jokes, which he faithfully compiles from different sources and circulates to some on the mail regularly, for the post lunch session on the first day of a workshop. For lack of time, I refrained from doing the same on the second day. At the end of the day, some remarked, ‘we missed the jokes’. 

During the in between times at lunch and tea breaks, I noticed how the participants laughed and made others laugh. 

One of the participants mentioned to me that, ‘laughter builds easy relationship’. One of the comments I have often heard from those who have a flair of being humorous even in the thick of serious discussions is: ‘If one can laugh at oneself, then he or she is sure to have more friends’.

For me, it is a learning lesson. I am not naturally  humorous. I still have to learn to laugh at myself! 

The interior stiffness we carry within ourselves would dissolve, when we can let lightheartedness set in gradually. A joke is all about looking at a situation from a leisurely perspective! 

Many of us can begin on this journey easily! Soon humour in conversation would become a habit! At least, it brings down the blood pressure by a few millimetres!

M.C.Mathew(text and photo)

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